Audience is the New Core Business

Last Updated 3/23/2017Posted in Community Content Engine

In talking with local publishers I occasionally hear them say things like, "We're refocusing on our core." or "We want to maximize our core before we adopt new practices." The verbiage may vary but the sentiment is that they want to stick with what they know or they fear they don't' have the  resources to do anything else/anything new including digital. 
Strengthening your core business makes sense, make sure you're focusing on the right things.

While there are those rare occasions where making an effort with digital may be more work for you or your team, if you're already posting content and using Facebook you're already doing the work and in a way that is probably very disconnected to your core - not to mention more work than it needs to be, using the right tools can make a huge difference.

Core is no longer about "print"; core is about "audience"

Of course, the changing media landscape means core is no longer about "print"; core is about "audience" and reaching them effectively. Media is fragmented and you're in a unique position to cut through the noise and deliver a message. When you make digital a part of your new core you'll get more upside - traffic, reach, SEO, and of course revenue.

We preach that digital shouldn't be difficult or a lot of work for publishers. If your core is strong; if you engage your readers, if you deliver value to advertisers and look to bring your community together digital is the most natural and simple way for you to grow your business.

Keep in mind, you have an unfair advantage today. Who else has your audience? Who else has your brand or advertiser relationships? If you're not driving forward and focusing on your new core you're letting someone else take the reigns and that's not where you want to go. Do you have a strategy to exploit your leadership position?

Ready to embrace digital and lead your community forward - profitability? Contact us to learn how Locable can be your guide - our new media sales training, our reader engagement strategy, and our technology are all custom crafted to make you more profitable from go!
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