The (Local) Power of Community Magazines

Last Updated 1/5/2016Posted in Community Content Engine

We're building our business by supporting yours. That's one of the guiding motto's we have - yours being community magazine publishers. It sounds like a cliche but it's much more than that, community magazines are one of the last vestiges of community in America. Not because people no longer want to connect, Facebook and Twitter show that it's quite the opposite, but because 'being local' is becoming increasingly challenging.

Our motto is true in more ways than one but it all rests with community magazine's ability to connect with their community in an unparalleled way. More than that, the magazines are accessible meaning people interact with and share the content. Right now it's around water-coolers and at social gatherings but soon it will be much more.

PBS' MediaShift just released an article on the evolving landscape for City & Regional magazines and their smaller cousins (aka Community Magazines), it foreshadows some of what we're doing to equip and work with magazines in the digital space (not digital flip books/e-readers) but if you want to get a preview of your own be sure to Contact Us to schedule a demo.

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