The Locable Approach - For Publishers

Last Updated 1/5/2016Posted in Community Content Engine

We talk a bit about how a Locable Publisher Membership is a "Network." That is, we bring web publishing technology to power our affiliate websites and a suite of tools for your local businesses but while the technology is terrific and built specifically for the challenges and opportunities at hand it falls into the necessary-but-not-sufficient camp.

This is why a vendor won't work, publishers need more than technology they need a partner.

Locable has developed a systematic approach to creating community around local publishing brands (generally but not always a local community magazine) with the following beliefs and approaches.


  • Success with digital is like a snowball rolling down a hill, it starts very small and builds provided it doesn't come to a stop. Unlike print, where each issue is discrete and self-contained, digital is a continuous flow less forgiving of inconsistent efforts.


  • Integrate the content and revenue activities to leverage the best of every available medium (print, web, social)
  • Encourage brand engagement and build toward operant conditioning through subtle and consistent cues across your brands touch-points
  • Leverage Content Marketing and User Generate Content, thoughtfully, to extend the editorial base, add value to advertisers/sponsors, create additional brand advocates due to their involvement

The Locable Approach is one where we do-more-with-less and generally if we can't get two birds (or three) with one stone then we don't do it. Mumbo-jumbo aside, we extend what publishers already do so well just updated for the digital landscape.

We then combine all of these benefits with our growing Locable Affiliate Network. Like network television, we combine the best of nationwide reach with local relevance to create a uniquely organic yet coordinated experience.

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