You Should Not Pay Tech People to Update Content - Ever

Last Updated 1/5/2016Posted in Community Content Engine

With the wide range of websites out there it's no wonder that many small business owners don't have the means to update content on their own website and are stuck paying a tech person to update their site for them. Other than the extra step, it's probably even practical as most small businesses don't update their websites very often anyway.

HOWEVER, if your business is related to content this is the web equivalent of being unable to type having to pay someone to transcribe your thoughts while trying to run a magazine.

Tech people are good for a lot of things but updating content or changing copy is not one of them. Why? Because you should do it yourself - or have an editorially minded person do it. If it is not easy for you or an editor to do this on your website, you have a problem. A big one. You are unable to run a content business because you are unable to create content regularly and reliably.

There are a range of people that should be creating content for you and your business - more appropriately, for your community - but they should not be technical in nature, they should not preempt you from creating content and they really shouldn't be on payroll but simply people in your community acting in their own best interest and engaging in something they choose to do which happens to be associated with your brand and your website.

You need a publishing platform that makes your job easier by streamlining process and automating workflows so you're not spending time or money on repetitive tasks and strategically embracing user generated content is critical to driving scale and ensuring your community feels like your brand is part of their community and not merely talking about the community. Fearful of giving up some control? Get over it, it's not a zero-sum game and there are a range of ways to maintain brand identity, brand values, and brand prestige while inviting thoughtful people from your community to participate.

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