The Problem with Your Digital Edition

Last Updated 1/6/2016Posted in Community Content Engine

No one is reading your digital edition because no one is looking for it.

Ok, that's a little hyperbole but it's effectively accurate. See, the problem isn't the digital edition it's the distribution strategy. Namely, if you're like most local publishers, you don't have one.

As I mention in the video above, one of the great elements of your print product is its distribution strategy, its local focus, its level of saturation and whether you distribute at racks, via mail or a combination of the two you put your publication in front of people who want to read it. This isn't the case online. You can't reach people in the same sorts of ways. Sure, you need to have an email newsletter which you use in part to promote the digital edition and yes you need to promote it on Facebook but the people who have enrolled or followed you are likely already reading the print edition and you'd like to keep them reading print.

So, what can you do to get more non-readers to read your digital edition?

Put simply, you need to elevate your overall digital presence - your website, your Facebook page, etc. When you do this you'll drive more traffic and convert more print readers to web visitors who in turn become social media evangelists, this leads to more social media traffic and more search traffic when local's stumble upon your content which is ranked highly by Google.

OK, but how does this increase my digital edition readership?

Well, there are two important components. First, you need to grow the pool of non-readers that are engaging with your brand and are truly engaged! Then, your content on your website and the way you present and link it will enable your non-readers to discover your digital edition and related content and thus you have grown your readership by implementing a 'discovery' strategy that relies very heavily on search traffic (SEO) and social traffic (people sharing content they find on your site because it's share-worthy.)

To learn more about growing your digital presence, digital edition readership, and making money online the easy way with Locable contact us to schedule a demo of how we help publishers like you revolutionize their business.

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