Locable’s Publisher Concierge Services Expands Beyond Initial Pilot

Last Updated 9/1/2017Posted in Community Content Engine

Common attributes of our Publisher Concierge service includes, this is not an exhaustive or required list but the examples should be informative:

Many of these activities are facilitated thanks to our Community Content Engine which enables us to rapidly repurpose and reuse content creating engaging ITI’s, Editor’s Pick’s events, Archives and much more.

Online success for local publishers is not hard but it does require an effective strategy, a concerted effort, and the right tools. Locable now provides publishers with what they need to be successful whether it’s the right technology, right training & know-how or the heavy-lifting to do day-to-day work.

Next up: we’re piloting the Digital Sales Specialist to complement our Digital Sales Coaching role with local sales teams.

We can help you turn your digital challenges into accomplishments. Talk with us about Membership and Publisher Concierge Services.

In July we piloted a new full-service offering called the Publisher Concierge with Mansfield Magazine, a bi-monthly print magazine serving the growing community of Mansfield, TX and now we’ve expanded the service to additional communities.

Continue reading to learn about some of the results along with what we often do for local publishers to create a compelling digital presence that complements and enhances their print presence.

MansfieldMagazine.com had been a Locable Affiliate for nearly two years however as a very lean organization they didn’t have the manpower or expertise to run their combined digital presences (website, Facebook page, email newsletter & associated outreach) effectively. With Locable’s Publisher Concierge service we effectively took over these functions and in the first 22 days key metrics were up 4-6x. (You’ll notice the ever-present cyclicality of the work-week.)

With refinement of how we execute our content strategy, outreach approach, use of email newsletters & Facebook to both drive website traffic and elicit community engagement on behalf of a local publisher we’ve expanded the offering beyond the initial pilot location.

We also hired an experienced local journalist to guide our continued expansion and improve upon our initial Publisher Concierge concept. Kevin Haslam is a veteran of both Patch.com and Hibu’s magazine arm, this is just about the most appropriate experience you could hope for to help publishers improve their digital presence.

As the Publisher Concierge is full-service it’s also fully customized to the particular needs and goals of each publisher we work with whether their goals are increased traffic, greater Facebook engagement, or a focus on monetizing their current efforts.

The included group of Publisher Concierge clients include:

While the communities we serve are unique in size and composition the general approach remains consistent – engage the community (readers, business owners, stakeholders), create compelling content and help the community embrace the local site as their “online Main Street.”

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