Don't Overlook Opportunities to Add Value in Mundane Conversation

Last Updated 1/11/2016Posted in Community Content Engine

When someone asks a question it's easy to give a simple answer however there's often much more to the sentiment behind the questions.

We regularly field questions from publishers ranging from simple things like how to update their homepage or target an advertisement to more advanced things like how to effectively post their print content online and leverage it across social media and email newsletters. I make it a personal goal to not merely answer their immediate question but help them attain a deeper understanding.

It's good business and the right thing to do.

It's akin to the difference between giving a man a fish and teaching a man to fish, in the latter case they become self sufficient.

So, how does something like this work?

You can see a brief exchange below, I could have opted to be brief and only address the subject at hand but I wanted to ensure she knew about a few resources that could be very important to her.

If she disregarded my message it cost me a few minutes, if she takes me up on my suggestion it could transform her business. Definitely worth the effort!

SImple conversations are the spice of life and can make a big difference.

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