How Publishers Can Create an Email Newsletter That Doesn't Suck

Last Updated 1/11/2016Posted in Community Content Engine

Having an email newsletter is an important part of a successful online strategy. In our in depth training below, you will be able to follow these simple steps to leverage your publications email list to drive traffic, engagement and revenue from your newsletter.

Here is a breakdown of what you will learn in this training:
3:34-Basics Of Audience Development

6:57-Where To Add a Subscribe Form to Grow Your Email List

9:24-How Social Promotions Can Build Your List

10:18-How To Create Email List Segmentations

15:06-The Key Components of a Good Email

28:29-Things Not To Do With Your Email List

34:23-How To Avoid Spam Filters

37:47-Best Email Client

38:45-How to Monetize Email

In a hurry? Here are the slides of this training with quick summaries of what we cover.

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