4 Reasons to Run a Multichannel Campaign with your Local Community Magazine

Last Updated 1/26/2023Posted in Community Content Engine

Whether you are looking at Maxim Magazine, Cosmopolitan or a local community magazine, they all have one thing in common. They have a loyal and engaged audience and are in a unique position to deliver your message both in print and online in a truly integrated way that other types of media can’t match. Here are 4 reasons to run a multichannel campaign with your local magazine.

82% of the U.S. population is reading one or more magazines a month [Print]

(Source: Shweiki Media)

Whoever said print was dying should’ve differentiated between magazines and other types of print media because 82% of the U.S. population is reading one or more magazines a month. For more information on the difference between Magazines and other print media click here.

44% of email recipients made at least one purchase last year based on a promotional email. [Email]

(Source: Salesforce)

Email continues to be one of the best ways to drive purchases and should be part of any campaign. However, building an email list is no easy task.  In this case, you can supplement your own email list by including an email sponsorship in your campaign. But remember, not all people are ready to make a purchase decision, so make sure you are also addressing those that are just looking for more information.  An easy way to do this is to highlight an advertorial (see below) that will help educate them.

80% of US social network users prefer to connect to brands through Facebook. [Social]

(Source: HubSpot)

If you build it, they will come. Ok, this isn’t Field of Dreams but if 80% prefer it, you better be offering a way for them to do so. Like with all other aspects of a multichannel campaign, it’s about being in front of your ideal audience and offering them multiple ways of interacting with your brand. Facebook is an extension of that and a great place to run social promotions, promote advertorials and events and highlight local businesses.

48% percent of smartphone readers are conducting mobile searches after seeing ads in magazines [Website]

(Source: Shweiki Media)

Whether people are searching on a desktop or mobile browser, the challenge is the same. How do you keep their attention after they see your ad in print? The answer is simpler than you might think; you offer them something more online that entices them to keep reading and engaging with your brand.  This comes in the form of article add-ons (or call-to-actions) in print that directs readers to advertorials, social promotions, special offers and the like online. Doing so allows you to create a personal relationship with them and pull your ideal client one step closer to making a purchase decision (or visiting your store in person).

Bonus: Have you heard of augmented reality? Augmented reality allows you to combine print and digital in a way that allows readers to interact with a brand without ever leaving the page. While the best way to apply augmented reality is still being explored, it’s still pretty cool to talk about all the possibilities. You can learn more about it here.

You often hear people waxing philosophical about how print is dead, how young people are only willing to receive information digitally, that print is less popular cause of social media and that no one reads magazines anymore. This is simply not true.  Digital, especially when talking about social media, doesn’t detract from print! It supports it.  People love the beauty and simplicity that only a magazine can offer. That’s why 4 out 5 adults in the US read magazines. However, they want to be able to share things they read, comment on them, interact with others who share similar interest, find more information and yes even occasionally read an article on their computer. This is where digital steps into complement what can’t be included in print (or which can be done much better online). Digital when integrated with print allows advertisers to create a more complete experience for their ideal clients and magazines are in a unique position to deliver that experience to an ideal audience.


Shweiki Media is Locable's Premier Print Partner.

Hassle Free Publication Printing...and More!

For more myths about print check out their blog post on the topic.

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