From Publisher to Media Mogul
In October, we wrote about some of our new efforts to work with publishers online and now we're ready to show you what we've been working on (though, we're still making major additions). is our consumer facing brand and we're happy to point you to a few of our Charter Affiliates so you can see what we're all about:
All of these sites, and half a dozen more that are preparing to formally launch have come to share our vision of what a magazine business can become and how to best serve a community - here's a hint, people want what they, want how they want it, and when the want it. Also known as reading a print magazine for one reason, going online for another, and looking for a mobile experience at other times.
We're excited about where we are now and even more excited about where we'll go in the future - by partnering with publishers. If you want to become the go-to resource in your community then we want to talk to you and we're happy to show you how what we're doing is so unique and precisely crafted to meet the needs of your community without changing how you run your business.