Success Online = Your Local Magazine Business Surviving

Last Updated 1/5/2016Posted in Community Content Engine

Local magazines that fail to become successful and profitable online will soon begin going out of business. Period.

Print is NOT dying! Print Magazines offer readers a superior experience than their digital counter parts (some wiz-bang features not withstanding). Print Magazine Ads offer advertisers incredible value thanks to the attention they garner, the time and attention readers spend on each page of a magazine, the way they are viewed as 'content' by readers, and by their longevity.

That said, let me reiterate, print-only businesses will begin to fail even in markets where the local economy is strong.


  • Small advertisers are being targeted by countless digital companies most of which are selling against print.
  • Digital advertising is less expensive than print (on a per reader basis) and small businesses don't understand that they are different and solve different problems
  • Everyone is talking about digital, social, mobile etc and people like to have something to contribute to the conversation
  • Local businesses look for knowledge and expertise from their advertising partners, if you can't provide it they may look to replace you with someone else who can make their live easier

Readers love print magazines, local advertisers love print magazines, print-only businesses are still in trouble! We often hear publishers say they don't have time to figure out digital or do what needs to be done, that's simply not true. Publishers don't have time to do EVERYTHING that needs to be done but then again they shouldn't have to. That's what a partner is for.

You wouldn't try to print your own magazine, you have a print-partner for that. You shouldn't try to do digital on your own either, Locable is here for that. Like your print partner, Locable develops best practices, implements the best technology for the job and has the scale needed to do it economically. Unlike your print partner, we make money with you and in many case we make money FOR you - we're not a vendor but an operator.

Changing Landscapes Create Opportunities

So you're an optimist? Great, we are too. We like seeing the opportunities these new dynamics introduce for established and respected local brands. Not only is digital growing but it's taking away from other local advertising which means if you can do digital effectively you can significantly grow your business.

Locable partners with you to fully exploit the new opportunities. Hint: it's about way more than just banner ads... the opportunity is even much larger than advertising itself. Schedule a demo to see what we mean.

Finally, digital offers opportunities to bring the community together online and help local businesses join the conversation. Community Magazines are in a unique position to provide this service and can do it without sacrificing print (quite the opposite as it turns out), why wouldn't you want to give it a shot?

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