The Illusion of Control - Publishing is about Influence

Last Updated 1/5/2016Posted in Community Content Engine

I hear it almost every week, a publisher wants to "keep control" or doesn't want to "lose control over their website." Apparently because we build the technology that powers your website and then host and maintain the site you're going to lose control.

If there's anything our increasingly digital world shows us is how little control we have. Do you have a server in your office that hosts your website? Did you build it and do you maintain it? If the answer is "no," as it is about 99% of the time, then you don't have control. And, in reality, you don't want that control. Data centers are far better places to host websites than offices (yes, we're cloud hosted but that cloud resides in data centers). You may be able to build a website but are you really the best person to build cutting edge software for an emerging industry? If you are, you shouldn't be publishing a local magazine.

Business comes down to two things: what is the best use of your time and how do you exert influence over the right partners/employees/customers? Control is a mistake, control leads to residing over a kingdom of 1 rather than an empire of millions.

As you think about the evolution of your businessif you're not thinking about how your business is evolving then invest in a new resume, think about what values you and your business holds dear, what value you want to deliver to your community and advertisers and then seek partners that are well aligned and can bring expertise to bear on your behalf to help you get there.

Do you want to build a stronger community where you live? Are you looking for ways to add new value to advertisers? If so, contact us about our Locable Affiliate Network - we're revolutionizing local media by creating a network of incredibly relevant local sites in partnership with local publishers. Join a webinar  and we'll show you how - don't forget to ask how much money is currently being spent on digital advertising in your county.

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