Locable Featured in MediaBistro's 10,000 Words Article
At Locable we started using LinkedIn's ad targeting ability to reach out to ex-Patch employees to let them know that Locable's solution existed to help them translate their Patch experience into a local media business they can effectively run on their own.
As a result, Alan Krawitz wrote "Locable network targets entrepreneurial journalists" having been the recipient of the said LinkedIn ads. Alan was kind enough to also sit in on one of our program demo's for an ex-Patcher to get a sense of how we do what we do.
We'd like to give a special thanks to Rebecca Abma at MPKpress.com for sharing some of her experiences working with Locable with Alan.
Passionate local publishing partners are critical to Locable's success and critical to their community's resurgence, if that's you we'd love to hear from you.