What Type of Website Does Your Publication Have?

Last Updated 8/20/2019Posted in Community Content Engine

ATTENTION: If you think a website is a website is a website and there aren’t fundamental differences in how you should approach your digital presence as a publisher from what you’re doing today you really need to read this!

I’ve written before about a common response I get from publishers when I call to introduce Locable, they tell me, “we already have a website.” To which I reply, “of course you do, that’s how I found you.” But their website is nothing like what I’d like to discuss.

Most people tend to think of all websites being fundamentally similar when the reality is that it’s the difference between sites that are so critical. See, publishers usually have “magazine websites” which falls into the “marketing website” camp as it’s marketing their ‘main product’ the magazine and this is a big problem.

As you read the descriptions below the distinctions between the various types may not be immediately clear but as you visit a few sites later today try to look at them from this perspective of categorization and you’ll find it makes the web look like a very different place for a marketer.

The Three “Types” of Websites

Marketing Websites

A marketing website does exactly what it sounds like, it markets your product, service or brand. It’s a brochure and it may or may not have prices and the ability to purchase. If there is the ability to purchase of course that’s called ecommerce, some sites are marketing sites with ecommerce capability while others are ecommerce sites with marketing aspects – like ebay or Amazon – though I’m splitting hairs just a bit. I generally consider ecommerce capability an add-on to the primary website types rather than its own category. Nearly all small businesses have marketing websites as it is the unique and valuable aspect of their business that they’re trying to communicate to visitors.

Marketing Sites are often built and then can be left largely unchanged for weeks or months as the core value proposition doesn’t change significantly. Please note: blogs and other fresh content are critical for improving your results in search engines.

Showcase Sites

Beyond marketing sites are showcase sites. It’s this very category of website that made me sit down and write this post. See a showcase site is a true hybrid. It’s often run by a publisher of some sort but meant to showcase and sell product.

These products could be that of advertisers or they may be highlighted in an ecommerce or retail capacity. The difference here is that the ‘ads’ are the content. A couple of examples of this are home and home furnishing magazines where the articles about remodeling feature specific products which of course are for sale. Another example is supermarket magazine websites which highlight great summer BBQ or healthy dessert options which you can conveniently pick up on aisle 12 and 16 respectively.

Because of the product-centric nature of showcase sites, the use of large imagery is often of critical importance and the timeliness of the content is likely more based on seasons or larger time-trends than any particular day-to-day changes in the world i.e. the same recipe may be featured again next summer.

In most cases, the visitors to the sites are transaction-oriented; that is, they are looking to make a purchase or, if it’s an aspirational site, like one focused on fine-watches or automobiles it could be that the visitor wishes they could make a purchase.

Content Sites

Finally, you have content sites. This is where the Locable Publisher Network lives. Content sites thrive when there is a constant flow of fresh, relevant content. Imagery is important but it’s often an accent piece rather than the center attraction. Likewise, advertisements and even advertorials, or paid articles, may be present but they are complementary and peripheral rather than the core of the site’s focus.

Content Sites are demanding to operate and require fresh content regularly.

Depending on your content strategy this content can be created and/or curated by the publisher and can include a range of user involvement such as creating, sharing and promoting content.

Wait, you say, there are other types too!

Indeed, there are a couple of other types of sites as well though these aren’t local in nature so I won’t spend much time on them.

Clearly, social networking sites are hugely popular (though you could argue they are just content sites with no discernable publisher) as are Software-as-a-Service sites. SaaS sites, as they’re regularly known, are usually paid sites that provide a service or set of tools and you could argue email is a SaaS service. Our Community Content Engine Calendar & Directory falls into the SaaS camp with some unique and valuable services which help local businesses grow and better take advantage of their presence and reputation online.


Some may say that showcase sites are really a subcategory of content sites though from the publishers perspective it’s important to make a clear decision as to which side of the fence you’d like to align yourself.

The local publishers we pursue to join the Locable Affiliate Program need a content website, there’s no doubt about it and delaying means losing their digital advantage and frankly, it’s a disservice to their readers and advertisers and that is just a mistake.

Understanding how to create a vibrant content website by simply and efficiently extending the things you already do as part of your business; that is, provide new value to advertisers, local businesses that aren’t advertisers in print but could pay for web services, and people in the community without changing or adding much new work to your plate is critical and it’s where publishers generally need the most help.

This need for a hand makes sense, publishers are usually still working from a marketing site perspective and wonder why it’s not trafficked nearly as much as it should be while a lack an understanding of SEO and the publishers role in social media further act to slow what should be a natural evolution of their business.

If you’re a publisher focused on building community and you want to find out how you can evolve into a media business without a significant investment of time, energy, or focus then be sure to schedule an initial call with us to learn more.

Looking for a showcase or marketing site? We can help you there too just not as a Locable Publisher Network, fortunately, we can still put our experience to work for your business. Check out our Marketing Website Services.

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