The Long Tail & SEO for Publishers

Last Updated 2/1/2023Posted in Community Content Engine

We previously wrote about SEO for publishers as a primer for what SEO and how Search Engine Optimization works and we thought we'd share a few of the results in action.

Your site begins to generate momentum when people find you by accident. More accurately, they are not searching for YOU they are searching for something and they find your content. Here are a few of the searches/key words people have used to discover our Locable Affiliates over the last 30 days (this is written on 6/22/12):

  • what does bipolar mean
  • border patrol
  • tuscaloosa summer camps 2012
  • palm springs shortfest
  • missoula children's theatre stillwater ok
  • and "mother son bond" to name a few.

Social media is the other piece. Sharing is both a piece of SEO but also a terrific source of traffic in it's own right.

When you have dozens of articles, events, etc driving 5/10/15 likes per month that's significant. Why? The average FB user has 234 fans as of December 2011 so that's 1k/2k/3k potential impressions respectively - slightly less in practice due to EdgeRank but that's a separate issue.

Go deeper into SEO details and how SEO has changed over the years as well as Google's Knowledge Graph. 

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