There's No System in Anything... but there should be

Last Updated 12/16/2021Posted in Community Content Engine

What do Lego, the iPod/iPhone/iPad, and LinkedIn all have in common?

They all bring a system to a previously fragmented market - they have an integrated approach that brings the pieces that people want together within their given industry. In many cases, they're also inventing some key pieces along the way.

Above is a fun 17-minute video which shares the "History of Lego," it's well worth the 17 minutes especially if you or your kids enjoy Legos.

At the 10:10 mark in the video the founder's son is on a sea voyage and an American complaining about the state of the toy industry says, "There's no system in anything!"

This leads Lego down a path to create toys that are not just ready-built but also a system where kids can use their imagination.

This true story is about toys but I'd argue it's true of most industries and many of the businesses that will emerge to become leaders tomorrow bring a system and an integrated approach to a previously fragmented industry.

At Locable, we work with publishers to implement a system that combines engaging editorial with user contributions to create community and help businesses benefit. The challenge in a system is that the pieces need to work together.

As a publisher, this means you need to have a fundamental appreciation of the building blocks (pun intended) in order to build a system that sets you apart. It's work but it doesn't have to be hard.

To learn more about how Locable can help you develop and implement a system that works for your business and community schedule a program overview and ask about our new full-service Publisher Concierge options.

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